Our Commitment
With a history dating back to the early 1980’s, our team has been a proven source for delivering satisfaction to customers around the world. We built our reputation on a proven history of work ethics.
Throughout our many diverse markets we have still committed to honoring the legacy by enlisting the talents and synergy of all Expert Services employees. We will continue our pledge to always go beyond with our excellence in customer solutions. We have the name, we have the people, we have the talent to take our service beyond anyone’s expectation.

Our Sales Initiatives are always focused on the enterprise-wide cross selling, selling to owners, customers and enterprise account management for growth. We assist our sales associates to be aware of other opportunities which leverages the total Expert Services offerings with their customers. We can turn our suppliers into customers, tapping into a market where relationships are already being nurtured. We utilize our strong customer relationships with a one on one comprehensive solution.
The common characteristic of each of our long-term customers has been our ability to lower their overall costs of owning and operating their HVAC systems. We develop a long-term strategy for improvement, updated continually for maximum savings.
This chart represents a standard commercial facility’s HVAC Owning and Operating Costs (source: ASHRAE Handbook). Expert Services will first work with you to identify these costs, then establish a financial baseline for developing the annual saving opportunities.
The single largest expense of any HVAC system is in energy (utilities). Expert Services will evaluate the current condition of your equipment and operating parameters to identify opportunities for improvement, then implement a five-step energy efficiency process to capture savings. This process includes identify no-cost/low-cost opportunities to achieve the greatest ROI.
Capital Expenditures (equipment replacement) often represents the second largest expense. The average lifespan of HVAC systems ranges from 12-20 years, depending on run-time, operating environment and level of preventive maintenance. As your facility ages, we assist with the capital planning process, prioritizing replacements based on operational sensitivity, energy efficiency and historical repairs.
This strategic approach to your HVAC assets, in tandem with a thorough preventive and predictive maintenance program, has proven to drastically lower the overall costs associated with your systems.

Expert Services uses the American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) industry standard financial model to customize the total HVAC Owning and Operating Cost Analysis for your facility and the associated HVAC equipment. ASHRAE is the internationally recognized organization for standards of building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality and sustainability.
Building codes and consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, architects, and government agencies all use ASHRAE standards and guidelines.